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Monday, December 13, 2004

| | | Green Lantern: Rebirth | | |

I read the number 1 of this title the other day. It was pretty good. I'm not much of a DC man, but I've always had an affinity for Green Lantern, especially Hal Jordan. I happened to sort of accidentally pick up a collection trade that I think was toward the end of Hal's human life before he became the Spectre. I don't really know much about that other than he became some sort of cosmic maniac (not unlike Marvel's Jean Grey when she became the Dark Phoenix) and almost did a lot of damage but then, just before dying he used his own power to save the earth's sun or something. The universe then made him the Spectre, the agent of retribution, as penance for his deeds when he became super powerful. Whoever wrote the story when Hal was first getting those powers was really good. It may have even been Geoff Johns, who is the writer for this current Rebirth series. Anyway, the first issue was good.

Brian posted at 1:57 PM.